Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Classify these as good times

Ok, we're doing all good news today:

  • I found out today that we'll know by June 3 (probably sooner) whether we're getting tickets to the 2012 Olympics! This is very exciting. It's going to be a test to my trip-planning abilities if we go. I mean, I've tackled Disney World, I've tackled Las Vegas on New Year's Eve (and St. Patrick's Day), but a foreign country with 8-year-olds at peak tourist season during the Olympic Games? That's gonna be interesting. 
  • I went to Bars class this morning, even though there were lots of reasons not to. That means I've exercised two of the last three days. Go me!
  • The boys came home from school today happy as clams and Owen even exclaimed "It was the best day of school ever!" He even tried out a self-regulation exercise that his therapist showed us yesterday. Yay happy school days!
  • I've decided I don't like gin martinis. That means I can now focus my attention on making a delicious Grey Goose martini myself and I'll be able to check number 22 off my list! Even better news is that my sister-in-law is coming over tonight to help me in this quest. And even better news is that one of my BFFs has suggested a martini marathon, which I envision to be like a pub crawl with martinis and that sounds pretty fun (hello, birthday party!)...we'll need mini martini glasses, though. Do you think if a group of people showed up with mini martini glasses, bartenders would be okay with making mini martinis? Cuz otherwise the marathon would end after bar number 2. 
  • And finally, remember I mentioned that I was asked to write a story for a local arts publication? Well, I got it done on time and today my editor told me he loved it and had no changes! Truth be told, that makes me nervous as I tend to write with the intention of being edited (I am positive that says something about my psychological make-up), but that's still good news since it's the opposite of him hating it. 
And there you have it. Good night and gnus.

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