Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Let the Sunshine In

This is what April looks like here in Minnesota. I am not happy. 

Okay, so I'm not surprised either, it's just that I'm already battling this teenager-induced semi-depression and I just don't need a foot of snow piled on top of my melancholy. Although it does provide a convenient excuse to stay inside and do nothing.

Seriously, Mike Doughty's "Fort Hood" is like my Prozac at the moment...if I had an ounce of musical ability, I'd lock myself in a room with stockpile of Cheetos and beer and compose the decade's greatest collection of emo-ballads. 

All that being said, things are actually on an upswing in the adolescent department. I credit this partially to all of his friends being out of town for spring break, partially to a well-timed job offer from my husband's friend (thank you, Mark), and maybe a teeny-tiny bit to him wanting to do better...maybe that's just wishful thinking, but hey, sometimes wishful thinking is all you've got.

Now if I could just stop myself from dreading the impending downswing, maybe I wouldn't feel so much like taking the next flight to Mexico and leaving all the developmental psychobabble up to everyone else...more wishful thinking? Perhaps.

1 comment:

Nixie said...

Oh I'm so right there with you!