Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Travel fever and other illnesses

Yesterday I had an endoscopy. For those of you who have not experienced this joy, they stick a lighted tube down your throat and look at your stomach. They claim you are semi-conscious for this, but I don't remember much of it. Turns out I do not have an ulcer, as previously thought. Does this explain my abdominal pain? No, it just means I wasted a day getting a tube stuck down my throat, but at least now we've ruled out my stomach as the culprit. 

So, as you can guess, I didn't really do anything yesterday. I woke up this morning to find out that today would be much the same, as I have two sick little boys who can't go to school. So we will lay around and watch a lot of GSN ("Sickies get to watch a lot of TV!" Owen informed me this morning.) and I will attempt to feed them chicken noodle soup and that'll be about it. I haven't yet decided whether we will get dressed...I'm thinking no.

All this "free" time coupled with the teenager stress has driven me back into imaginary travel planning mode. I'm beginning to love the idea of jaunting off to the Caribbean over Christmas. I think it should be our new tradition...all I need is a sponsor. I'll wear whatever brand of clothing you want! I'll drink sports drinks or serve my children your brand of snacks, just send us to the beach!

Better yet, send us to Hawaii. The boys and I just watched part one of the Jon and Kate Plus 8 Hawaii episode and "jealous" does not begin to describe my emotion. Don't get me wrong, they deserve free trips. Having survived having twin infants myself, I think Jon and Kate deserve a lifetime of free vacations after having six at a time...I just wish there were free vacations for the rest of us. I mean, I want to take my children snorkeling with the sea turtles. 

It doesn't even have to be free, really. If someone just wants to comp our luxury hotel room or our plane tickets, we'll pay for the rest. And I'll write a really excellent blog about it...promise

Yeah, well, anyway, you know where to find me. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have had that same test done, however, I was not as lucky in the don't remember everything part. They didn't give me enough of whatever they give you that knocks you out and makes you not remember anything. So I came to, completely awake and aware during the middle of the test. So I come out of the fuzziness to the awareness to the realization that there was still a scope stuck down my throat. So I was trying to swallow and gagging and the girl standing next to the table started looking down at me and noticing the distressed look on my face. Her response? "She's looking at us!" Ummm yeah. So they gave me some more fun medication in my IV and I survived the test and spent the next several days with really bad throat pain because of all that attempted swallowing I did with the scope in my throat. Anyways, I am glad that your test went better than mine. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. See you later.