Friday, June 20, 2008

Stopping the Insanity

That's what the husband and I ate for dinner last night. It's a boat...a boat of sushi. It was his birthday, so I'm not going to bother feeling guilty about it (it was delicious, btw), but today the insanity comes to an end. No more birthdays for awhile and no more excuses for crazy spending.

Inspired by this CNN Money article and my desire to be able to actually afford to take the kids on vacation this winter, I am pledging to exercise the willpower that I know I've got inside of me somewhere. I got some good ideas from a few of you regarding lowering my grocery bill (thanks!), so I figure if I combine those with cutting up the credit cards, not eating out, not signing my kids up for any additional summer activities and resisting the Target impulse buys, we should be on our way to paying off our debt and having a real travel budget. 

Send me your good thoughts. It all sounds very simple, but restraint isn't my forte.  


Butch Roy said...


KK said...

Saying no to overpriced gadgets doesn't bother me.

mrs soucherelli said...

Dude -- where can you can a boat o sushi??? I am so jealous -- this is Sarah from St. David's, btw...

KK said...

Fuji-ya...just ask them to put it all on a boat for you.

Unknown said...


We are also on a mission to not spend/save money. I'm all about free outings and adventures and will share any new destinations I discover. I've been reading and watching Dave Ramsey, a financial guy, and think he has a realistic and logical approach. He too recommends cash envelopes. His "Financial Peace University" class is available onoine or through many local churches. I'll be going to a session later this soummer.

Picnics at playgrounds:-)

KK said...

I love picnics in theory, but what do grown-ups eat at picnics? I can't get into the PB&J and I'm not really known for whipping up fancy pasta salads. I usually end up just getting Starbucks on the way to the picnic and calling that lunch.