Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Joys of Hermit-hood

Ever since my freelance work dropped off into oblivion and my job hunt revealed itself to be full of disappointment, I've turned my obsessiveness to saving money and losing weight. 

I told you about my neurotic grocery budgeting, which so far is proving to be a real challenge to successfully execute. I'm also attempting to save money by becoming a hermit. (Hermits never have to worry about all those miscellaneous expenses.) The below zero temperatures are making this endeavor much easier. 

As for losing weight, it's not that I have a lot of weight to lose, but since I hate (hate) exercise, have no willpower, and love sugar and butter, it's more of a psychological battle. Really, it's not about the weight as much as the jiggliness in the mid-section. I'd happily stay at my current weight if things were just a little bit more...defined. But also, I need to be healthier. I have no endurance and my body is aging faster than I am, which is no good. 

And so I am treadmilling. This might sound like no big deal to those of you accustomed to physical activity, but for me it's quite an accomplishment. Obviously I need to do more than walk if I really want to be in shape, but you have to start somewhere. 

If I can stick with the treadmilling habit, I'll think about adding in some weights or something...I don't know, are there pro bono personal trainers? I need someone to hold me accountable besides me because I'll just tell myself to shut up and go bake some more cupcakes (although I promise I'll feel guilty about it for weeks). 

So will I emerge from this "transitional time" (that's how I like to think of it) healthier and with more money in our savings account? Maybe...or maybe I'll just stick with the hermit thing - you don't really need money or a good figure to be a hermit, right?


E Erickson said...

you go, girl....if you need motivation to excercise, look me up, or maybe point out that you are at least on the treadmill, while I just 'work' at the YMCA. Good job on trying new things....
After these temps are warmer, it'll be interesting to see if you don't just find window shopping appealling? :)
Good LUCK! Ellyn

KK said...


sybildiscontent said...

Treadmills are how I got my start as well! (okay, this was a few winters ago. I don't have one now, but if I did I would be ALL over it. I'm still feeling huge and bloated after the baby, and that was in August. I can't WAIT for it to be warmer again so I can get back to it!) The apartment complex I was in at the time had a treadmill. Eventually it got nicer out and I moved the walks to the great outdoors. Well, that is if you consider the 1 mile path around the man-made lake near the complex "great outdoors", that is. But I digress.

Walking does amazing things. It may seem like not you're doing a lot but as someone who did it in little faith of results, I can honestly tell you in a month or so you'll see and feel great results! You'll have energy, improved mood, smaller pants's all true and it's all *just* from walking. I felt so danged good I also ended up purchasing hand weights from Target. A few reps a day and suddenly my whole body was looking better. And all because I started walking. (So I say, anyway. Had I not started somewhere, I would have gone nowhere.)

So good luck to you chica! It's an exhilarating feeling. I wish you all the best!

kristi said...

I am proud! I need to exercise too.