Saturday, March 29, 2008

Better Than Expected

You guys are awesome! I haven't quite deciphered how Autism Speaks actually calculates the total donations raised for a team (I can't get the numbers to add up -- if you know anything about this, leave me a comment), but according to Team Owen's page... 

WE'VE EXCEEDED OUR GOAL! And we did it in 24 hours!

It's really heartwarming to know how many people care about Owen and about supporting this cause. And as a person who isn't always great about asking for help, it's incredible to see how quickly and generously people respond when asked.

What I'm trying to say is THANK YOU. It means a lot.

For those of you still wanting to donate, please do! Visit the Team Owen page and join our team, pledge one of our members, or start a team of you own.

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