Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The eaves are dropping

Yesterday I was working from a coffee shop and there was a job interview being conducted at the table next to me. (Btw, unless I was applying for a job at Caribou, I would think it was weird if a potential employer asked me to meet them there for my interview.) The perky interviewer asked the nervous, over-dressed interviewee, "So, if money were no object, what would you be doing with your career?"

Is that a fair question for a job interview? Was he supposed to say, "THIS! I'd still want to work for YOU!" or was he supposed to spill his guts about his secret dreams of becoming a lion tamer in the Mongolian circus?

Well, I'm sad to say this his answer was probably the least impressive option: "Uh...I've never really thought about that." So maybe it was a fair question. Maybe that's exactly who this company (I don't know which company it was) is looking for...people who have never considered the possibilities.

P.S. This was the only thing I had to blog about that did not involve how cold and depressing winter is, or Las Vegas. More on both of those topics to come.

1 comment:

~Michelle @ Don't Eat That Cookie~ said...

If it makes you feel any better today was supposed to be the last really cold day of winter. 27 degrees for Friday, and then according to a coworker we shouldn't drop below 30 ever again (well until next winter anyway). Oh if only I could transplant all my friends and family to Florida, we'd move in a heartbeat. Darn family roots!

Oh well, before you know it it'll be time for the puppet theater's May Day Parade. While it pushes the boundaries of my granola-crunching-hippy-comfortzone, it is a pretty fun way to welcome spring.