Sunday, August 31, 2008

In the Weeds

BFF Rachel and I got a good deal on a nice hotel room downtown and went out for her belated birthday celebration last night. A good time was had by all, but the most glorious part of the escapade was waking up this morning at 7 a.m. (both of us - no alarm) and sitting in bed watching nearly all of season one of Weeds.  

I had never seen the show before, so I must now thank Rachel for giving me yet another TV obsession. 

So here I am, looking out at a week during which school will start, swimming lessons will start, dance class will start, my babies will become kindergartners, the teenager will turn the big 1-7, and my husband will be out of town for all of it...and all I want to do is live vicariously through a hot suburban mom who is able to afford a live-in housekeeper and a cute wardrobe all by selling pot to rich suburbanites. 

It's like just by being about pot, the show has turned me into a slacker who just wants to sit on the couch watching TV and eating Cheetos all day. 


Laura said...

Awesome TV binge. ha! But why stop at Season 1??? Right, you have a life. ;-)

Good luck with kindy!

KK said...

Oh no, there will be no stopping...I've already got season 2 lined up on the Netflix queue. :)

Student of Life said...

LOVE Netflix for many reasons, but especially for the Weeds reason. I'm now a Weeds junkie. I'm now waiting for season three. I'm not sure I'm going to make it. I actually suggested we get Showtime. I got it bad.

Good luck with the first week of kindergarten. I know I'll be a basketcase when my time comes next fall.

KK said...

I feel your pain - I seriously considered just buying seasons 2 and 3 on iTunes so I wouldn't have to wait for the mail...

Thanks for the good wishes with kindergarten. Stay tuned for a play-by-play of the first day. :)