Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Card Can Only Say So Much

I had to go birthday card shopping for the was painful, but I needed to put his concert tickets in something. The stupid Card Superstore got my hopes up with a section that claimed to be for "Teen Birthday." However, this section turned out to include a lot of "ur awesome" and "you rock!" Which is totally what every teenager wants to hear from his parents.

I needed a card that said something along the lines of: 
Even though the only thing you are committed to is screwing up your life...even though you lack ambition and integrity...even though you make our lives hell on a regular basis...
We still love you and we'll be here to pick up the pieces.
Happy birthday!

Or, at least something like:
Hooray, you're 17! 
Only one more year until you can do the fun stuff. 

Hang on, I think I hear Hallmark calling... 

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