I suppose I can rest easy knowing I've now survived the equivalent of our first day of kindergarten moment -- only my kids actually won't be riding the bus to kindergarten, so if I'm going to get teary-eyed it will have to be when I wave goodbye to them in their little classroom.
It's funny because I never would have thought I'd get weepy about these things...then again, I used to be able to watch ER without sobbing. Stupid hormones. But it's not that I'm sad that they are going off and doing things independently, it's like I'm so amazed and simultaneously freaked out by it that it makes me emotional.
I know all of you with older kids can relate, but it's just so weird to think that my tiny babies are off doing things without me all day. Before I had kids, a 5 year old would have seemed so little...now it feels like 5 is so grown up...like college is right around the corner.
I hate to say it, but I kind of sympathize with those helicopter parents - it's hard to let your kids not need you. But don't get me wrong, if any of you see me turning into one of them, I fully expect you to smack me upside the head. That's an order.
**Unrelated note: I am saying goodbye to my long, long hair today. Chop, chop , chop. More on that later...maybe.**
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