Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Kinder, Gentler (read: Less Insane) McCarthy?

When I got my new issue of Cookie magazine, I sighed at the sight of Jenny McCarthy on the cover. Great. Now I'm going to have to cancel this subscription too.

I really like my Cookie magazine, as it allows me to peer into this fantasy world where people buy their babies designer clothes and move their families to exotic islands on a whim...oh, and a lot of times, the articles are pretty good.

I figured that Cookie needed to run Jenny's counter argument to their earlier cover story in which Amanda Peet referred to unvaccinated children as "parasites" (which I didn't find offensive, as I understood her point, but whatever).

So I read the article about this self-declared supermom, prepared to throw my magazine across the room at any moment.

The verdict? The editors at Cookie are clearly better than I even thought, because Jenny doesn't sound crazy in this piece. Actually, if I hadn't already been exposed to her delusions, I probably would have wondered what all the hype was about.

In this article, Jenny backs off both the "vaccines are evil" kick (she is now pushing delaying them vs. skipping them entirely) and her claim of having "cured" her son of autism, now choosing the more acceptable "recovered" term (she provides no explanation for her earlier claims of curing him).

I want to believe that all of this means that she's become better informed. However, I suspect that she simply has a smarter PR team behind her. I'd still rather have Jenny-free media, but barring that, I'll at least take a toned down, slightly less smug Jenny. (And who knows, maybe as she continues to learn things, she'll find out she has no place educating people about anything.)

So as long as they don't offer her a monthly column, I'm keeping my subscription to Cookie. Close call.

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