Sunday, January 22, 2012

Notes from a Sunday

Today I started the Skinnygirl Cleanse. I want to lose weight, plus I think Bethenny Frankel is hilarious and skinny, so I figured it couldn't hurt. Also today, I made ribs in the Crockpot and two different pasta salads to eat for lunch this week. I'm now considering making a this a psychological rebellion to the cleanse?

Maybe it's stress. I brought home a lot of work this weekend (something I only do when I HAVE to), but the thing about this work is that it doesn't make any sense to me. I thought that if I had quiet time to sit and look at it, it would magically make sense. But it doesn't. So I gave up. I'm feeling defeated, but I'm trying to convince myself that I am surely a smart enough person that if I've spent this much time trying to figure it out and it still doesn't make sense, then I'm clearly missing a piece of the puzzle. I mean, it's not like I work in astrophysics - this is marketing. I'm probably not stupid. Probably.

So yeah, I'll let you know how these things turn out. Both the cleanse and the stupid thing. One of them is bound to go in my favor...right?

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