Friday, October 7, 2011

It's like Reading, Baking and Eating Rolled Into One!

You guys have to go buy this book immediately and here's why:
  1. It's important to support anyone who runs a dessert detective agency...because c'mon, you know you wish you'd had that idea.
  2. It includes a recipe for Pookie, which is a cookie with a PIE INSIDE IT! (If you're thinking, "But you just linked to the recipe," please see item #1.)
  3. It includes a recipe for Cupcake-Stuffed Cupcakes, which are what would happen if average-sized cupcakes ate mini cupcakes. 
  4. All the other recipes are just about as insane as #2 and #3.
  5. Your kids will want to bake with you.
  6. And finally, the author's response to my tweet:

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