Friday, March 19, 2010

The Skinny

I've been a bit of an ostrich about the skinny jeans trend. I mean, I knew it was happening, but I purposely never investigated it, assuming (probably correctly) that it didn't apply to me. I mean, it's not that I'm fat, per se, it's just that I'm not quite skinny these days thanks to the disfiguring caused by carrying twins and the subsequent lack of an exercise regimen...and the aging.

But suddenly I find myself in possession of a pair of these things. It started with a dress. Well, actually, it started with booking a trip to Vegas for May. (My first visit in more than a YEAR!) Then buying a dress for said trip, you know, for that imaginary night of dancing at the Vegas club that I always think is going to happen. And, well, then I needed shoes to go with the dress and at the urging of my expat gusband, I ventured out of my round-toe, 1-inch heel comfort zone and bought a crazy-ass pair of metallic stilletos that will almost certainly result in a broken ankle.

But you see, then I realized that since the dress will be lucky to get worn once a year, I should expand my options for wearing the shoes (to increase the odds of breaking my ankle?) and so, I thought, "Hey, what about those skinny jeans the kids are wearing these days?" And then I took my pills and laid down for my mid-morning nap.

Right, well there was no way in hell I was going to admit to the 12-year-old working at the Levi's store that I wanted to try on skinny jeans, so instead I went online and *ta-da!* I am now the owner of a pair of skinny jeans.

But here's the big piece of info I was apparently missing: skinny jeans = leggings with pockets

These are not jeans. They are jean-like tights. I almost want to put a skirt on over them. Actually, I'll almost have to because although they do "fit" (in the sense that I can zip them without passing out), my muffin top is up in my rib cage.

I know I shouldn't wear them. I am too old and/or out of shape. And yet...well, I tried them on with my shoes and they look pretty good. I'll just have to make sure to pair them with shirts from my maternity clubwear collection.


Gena MacDonald said...

So is #41 on your 40 by 40 list to wear the skinnies out in public? lol.. I own two pair now and, although I felt very self conscious the first time I wore them outside my own home, I love them now. More will be purchased... Give them a chance- you might end up loving them too! P.s. I am not so skinny these days either. They still look good ;)

KK said...

Thank you for your vote of support. :)

Voix said...

I didn't think I could wear them either, but with a cute summer dress over top, they're quite cute!

I think you'll look fantastic in them. Rock it, sister. And if you need a fashion consult, I'm an email away - if you don't mind advice from people you only know via blogstalking. :) (I promise I'm not creepy. Srsly.)

Kevin said...

Broken ankles are totally sexy!